Ksenia Vyaznikova
"The owner of a luxurious mezzo-soprano, the magnificent actress Ksenia Vyaznikova is known not only in Russia..."
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Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Soloist at the Moscow Musical Theater "Helikon Opera" under the direction of Dmitry Bertman

Guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia

  • Laureate of the F. Schubert Vocal Competition (1997, 1st prize)
  • Laureate of the Peczkowski Competition ("Vocalists in the Bolshoi", Second Prize, 1996).
  • Diploma winner of the Rimsky-Korsakov Competition (1997)
  • Laureate of the "New Names of the Planet" program

Music education

  • Vocal faculty of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory in 1998. She studied under the greatest teachers-coriffs of the Russian opera scene, People's Artists of Russia Professors Nina Isakova and Larisa Nikitina. Already during her studies, she made a mark with successful performances in a number of significant creative projects (solo roles in masses by Johann Sebastian Bach and J. Haydn and Handel's opera Xerxes).
  • She interned at the Vienna Academy of Music and Performing Arts.

Creative biography
In 2000. Ksenia Vyaznikova joined the Moscow Chamber Music Theater, where she worked for over 5 years, performing leading roles in 25 opera productions, including Podtochina ("The Nose" by D.D. Shostakovich), Khivrya ("Sorochinskaya Yarmarka" by M.P. Mussorgsky), Dorabella ("Everybody Does It" by W.A. Mozart), Cornelia ("Julius Caesar" by G.F. Handel) and others.

In 2001, the actress made her debut at the Helikon Opera Theater in A. Berg's opera "Lulu" as Countess Geschwitz, a role characterized by the most complex musical language, significant vocal difficulties and extraordinary acting challenges. She went on to appear in G. Verdi's operas Falstaff and J. Bizet's Carmen, where she proved herself as a strong dramatic actress, as Dmitri Bertman's direction required not only high quality vocal data from the artists.
In 2003 Ksenia Vyaznikova organically joined the Helikon Opera company and became one of its leading soloists. During her time at the theater she has performed more than 25 operatic roles of the first position and created a gallery of tragic images.

In 2008 she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2009 she performed the role of Carmen in J. Bizet's opera of the same name at the Prague Opera.

Ksenia Vyaznikova made her Bolshoi Theatre debut in 2009 in the opera Wozzeck (role of Margret).


In 2010, as part of the cross-cultural year between Russia and France, she took part in the Bolshoi Theater's production of M. Ravel's opera "Child and Magic" (roles of Mother, China Cup, Dragonfly, conducted by B. Pionnet). On the stage of the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall she sang the role of Fricka in a concert performance of R. Wagner's opera Valkyrie with the Russian National Orchestra conducted by Kent Nagano. At the festival at the Moscow International House of Music she sang the role of Adalgisa in V. Bellini's opera Norma (co-production with Norma Fantini as Norma). At the Ruskeala Symphony music festival she performed the vocal cycle Summer Nights by G. Berlioz (conducted by M. Stravinsky).

In 2011. Participant of the Chaliapin Festival in Kazan, Samara Spring and the Grand Festival of the Russian National Orchestra. As part of the festival dedicated to the 75th anniversary of R. Shchedrin, she took part in the performance of the opera Not Only Love (the role of Varvara). As part of the XXIV Sobinov Music Festival held at the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, she performed the role of Clytemnestra in the premiere production of S.I. Taneyev's opera Oresteia (conducted by Y. Kochnev).

In 2012 at the Bolshoi Theater she performed the role of Annina in R. Strauss's opera The Cavalier of the Rose (conducted by V. Sinaisky and directed by S. Lawless) and the role of Flora in G. Verdi's opera La Traviata (conducted by L. Campellone and directed by F. Zambella). At the Paris National Opera she performed the role of Firs in the premiere production of F. Fenelon's opera The Cherry Orchard (conducted by T. Checherini, directed by G. Lavaudian).

In 2013, Xenia (P. Balleff) gave a recital at the Philharmonie Baden-Baden (Germany).

In 2014 she performed at the Komische Oper Berlin in Prokofiev's The Fiery Angel (the roles of the Fortune-teller and Abbess of the Convent) and B. Zimmermann's Soldiers (the role of Mother). In the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Participated in a concert performance of R. Strauss's opera Salome (the role of Herodias, conducted by V. Jurowski).

In 2015 at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. In 2015 at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall she performed the role of Mother in E. Humperdinck's opera Hansel and Gretel (conducted by V. Jurowski). At the Bolshoi Theater she performed the role of the Snow Queen in S.P. Banevich's opera The Story of Kai and Gerda (conducted by A. Grishaev and directed by D. Belyanushkin).



In 2016 at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. She performed the role of Gonerilla in the world premiere of S.M. Slonimsky's opera King Lear (conducted by V. Jurowski).

In 2017 at the Helikon-Opera Theater she performed the role of Ulrika in the opera The Masquerade Ball by G. Verdi (conducted by S. Fermani, directed by D. Bertman).

In 2018 at the Bolshoi Theatre, performed the role of Margret in A. Berg's opera Wozzeck (conducted by T. Kurentzis, directed by D. Chernyakov). At the Helikon-Opera Theater she performed the role of Azucena in G. Verdi's opera Troubadour (conducted by O. Diaz and directed by D. Bertman).

In 2019 at the Opéra National de Lyon, she performed the role of Princess in Tchaikovsky's opera The Enchantress (conducted by D. Rustioni, directed by A. Zholdak).

In 2020 she performed the role of Clytemnestra in R. Strauss' opera Elektra at the Klagenfurt City Theater (Austria) (conducted by N. Cartier, directed by S. Levy), and in 2021 she performed the roles of Fricka and Waltraute in R. Wagner's opera Die Walküre (conducted by N. Milton, directed by A. Stiel).

In 2021-22: took part in the gala concert "for the 155th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory", performed the part of Adalgisa in a concert performance of V. Bellini's opera "Norma" together with the Ensemble of Soloists Casta Diva and others.

Ksenia Vyaznikova has recorded I. Brahms' rarely performed vocal cycles "Beautiful Magelona" and "Four Strict Tunes" on CDs. In addition, she participated in the recording of G. Berlioz's dramatic symphony Romeo and Romeo. She also participated in the recording of G. Berlioz's dramatic symphony Romeo and Juliet and W. A. Mozart's opera Le nozze di Figaro (stock recording on the Kultura television channel).

The singer has collaborated with many renowned conductors, including Helmut Rilling, Marco Boemi, Kent Nagano, Vladimir Ponkin and Theodor Kurtenzis.


Opera parts:

Марина Мнишек («Борис Годунов», М. Мусоргский)
Кончаковна («Князь Игорь» А. П. Бородин)
Любаша («Царская невеста» Н.А. Римский-Корсаков)
Кащеевна («Кащей Бессмертный» Н.А. Римский-Корсаков)
Любава («Садко» Н.А. Римский-Корсаков)
Графиня/Полина/Миловзор («Пиковая дама», П.И. Чайковский)
Филиппьевна, Ларина («Евгений Онегин», П.И. Чайковский)
Княгиня («Чародейка», П.И. Чайковский)
Любовь («Мазепа», П.И. Чайковский)
Мать («Мавра», И.Ф. Стравинский)
Иокаста («Царь Эдип», И.Ф. Стравинский)
Смерть («Соловей», И.Ф. Стравинский)
Клитемнестра («Орестея», С.И. Танеев)
Мать Алексея/ Клавдия («Упавший с неба» С.С. Прокофьев)
Принцесса Клариче («Любовь к трём апельсинам» С.С. Прокофьев)
Бабуленька («Игрок» С.С. Прокофьев)
Гдалка, Настоятельница монастыря («Огненный ангел» С.С. Прокофьев)
Императрица Екатерина Великая («Царица» Д.Ф. Тухманов)
Адальджиза («Норма», В. Беллини)
Керубино («Свадьба Фигаро», В.А. Моцарт)
Марселина («Свадьба Фигаро», В.А. Моцарт)
Секстус («Милосердие Тита», В.А. Моцарт)
Зефир («Аполлон и Гиацинт», В.А. Моцарт)
Амнерис («Аида», Дж. Верди)
Ульрика («Бал-маскарад», Дж. Верди)
Фенена («Набукко», Дж. Верди)
Мисс Квикли («Фальстаф», Дж. Верди)
Маддалена («Риголетто», Дж. Верди)
Флора («Травиата», Дж. Верди)
Кармен («Кармен», Ж. Бизе)
Графиня Гешвиц («Лулу», А. Берг)
Хивря («Сорочинская ярмарка», М.П. Мусоргский)
Подточина («Нос», Д.Д. Шостакович)
Сонетка («Леди Макбет Мценского уезда», Д.Д. Шостакович)
Корнелия («Юлий Цезарь», Г. Гендель)
Баба Яга («Русалка», А. Дворжак)
Мадам де Круасси («Диалоги кармелиток», Ф. Пуленк)
Азучена («Трубадур», Дж. Верди)
Далила («Самсон и Далила», К. Сен-Санс)
Маргрет («Воццек», А. Берг)
Мать («Дитя и волшебство», М. Равель)
Дорабелла («Так поступают все», В.А. Моцарт)
Маргарита («Четыре самодура», Э. Вольф-Феррари)
Варвара («Не только любовь», Р. Щедрин)
Фругола, Старуха, Принцесса («Триптих», Дж. Пуччини)
Мать («Гензель и Гретель», Э. Хумпердинк)
Марфа («Хованщина», М.П. Мусоргский)
Князь Орловский («Летучая мышь», И. Штраус)
Клитемнестра («Электра», Р. Штраус)
Аннина («Кавалер розы», Р. Штраус)
Иродиада («Саломея», Р. Штраус)
Фрика, Вальтраута («Валькирия», Р. Вагнер)
Фрика, Эрда («Золото Рейна», Р. Вагнер)
Ортруда («Лоэнгриг», Р. Вагнер)
Эрда («Зигфрид», Р. Вагнер)
Норна, Вальтраута («Гибель богов», Р. Вагнер)
Анна I («7 смертных грехов» К. Вайль)
Мать («Солдаты», Б.А. Циммерман)
Соло альта («Ромео и Джульетта», Г. Берлиоз)
Теодорина ("Остров Тюлипатан", Ж. Оффенбах)

Concert repertoire:

Р. Wagner Fragments from the operas "Lohengrin", "Gold of the Rhine" and "Valkyrie"
G. Pergolesi "Stabat Mater"
И. JohannSebastian Bach "Magnificat"
И. Johann SebastianBach Mass in h-moll
И. Johann SebastianBach Cantatas No. 109 and No. 114
И. Haydn Mass
G. Verdi "Requiem"
В. Mozart "Requiem"
Г. Berlioz "Romeo and Juliet".
Г. Handel "Messiah"
С. Rachmaninoff "All-Night Vigil"
S.S. Prokofiev "Alexander Nevsky".
P.I. Tchaikovsky "Moscow" Cantata
И. Brahms - cycle of songs "Beautiful Magelona" (in author's poetic translation by Kseniya Vyaznikova)
Romances by Russian and foreign authors - M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rachmaninov, F. Schubert, R. Strauss


"The Beautiful Ladies of Johannes Brahms and Richard Wagner."

ClassicalMusicNews 25.04.2019
Ksenia Vyaznikova: "Every singer grows as much as he is smart"
Musical Klondike 02.02.2018. 

Was good both vocally and even stage-wise....
Vladimir Oyvin. 21 Jan 2011

...owner of a mesmerizing mezzo-soprano...
Olga Metelkina. Vecherniy Stavropol 06 October 2016.

...voluminous and rich and dark mezzo-soprano.
Igor Koryabin. 26 October 2010.